An external tubular linear permanent magnet generator (ETLPMG) is proposed for direct drive wave energy conversion. ETLPMG with quasi-Halbach array is larger in the air gap magnetic flux density than...
Permanent magnet development has historically been driven by the need to supply larger magnetic energy in ever smaller volumes for incorporation in an enormous variety of applications that include ...
ÖversiktHistorikIntroduktionLjus och vågorElektricitet och magnetismSe även
Detta avsnitt är en sammanfattning av Elektricitetens historia.Kompassen har sedan 1100-talet varit ett mycket viktigt navigeringsverktyg. Ännu under slutet av 1500-talet var orsakerna till kompassens funktion okända. Då detta verktyg bemästrats sedan länge kan det förefalla underligt att man inte tidigare hade arbetat ut teorier för hur kompassen fungerade. Under slutet av 1…
För att kunna jämföra permanentmagneter och bedöma vilken typ av magnet som lämpar sig bäst för en applikation behöver man vara bekant med terminologin. Här …
With a modest center field requirement of 0.43 T, the magnet can be made using a design where the permanent magnets are placed between the iron poles and the yoke
PMECH is promising as it transfers wind energy into heat directly. The PMECH system used in this study can be utilized as a renewable heat supply unit for fish farms, farming facilities, heating systems in cold regions, and de-icing systems on frozen roads.
$begingroup$ It''s been discussed in detail in a previous Physics SE question I can''t find right now. It''s a misconception that magnets never do work. Of course that they do. They only don''t do any work when acting on a charged particle without a magnetic moment: the magnetic Lorentz force is orthogonal to the velocity so the speed doesn''t change.
Hvor meget mekanisk energi kan man i alt få frigjort fra to givne permanente magneters magnetfelt? Peter Omand Rasmussen, lektor ved AAU, Institut for Energiteknik, …
Magnets are usually classified as permanent and non-permanent magnets. Modern industry and everyday life rely heavily on magnetic fields. Magnets made of Neodymium Magnets (NdFeB), Samarium Cobalt (SmCo), AlNiCo, and …
Permanente magneter bliver anvendt overalt i vores hverdag. Som oftest er de gemt så man ikke ser dem, men de udgør hjertet i f.eks. elektromotorer der konverter elektrisk …
Permanent magnet er en varig magnet. Slike magneter fremstilles av ferromagnetiske metallegeringer, for eksempel alnico, eller av oksider. De brukes blant annet i …
A Permanent Magnet Motor, 1269 A.D.. PERMANENT MAGNET MOTORS Peregrinus (1269 A.D.) to Lee Bowman in 1954. Peter Peregrinus is credited with the developement of the first known and recorded …
Exempel på nya magnetiska material är permanentmagneter som kan användas för förnybar energiomvandling i vindturbiner och material som kan användas för att utveckla …
Ferromagnets. Only certain materials (e.g., iron, cobalt, nickel, and gadolinium) exhibit strong magnetic effects. These materials are called ferromagnetic, after the Latin word ferrum (iron). A group of materials made from the alloys of the …
Chinese Physics C Vol. 38, No. 10 (2014) 107008 Fig. 1. High voltage electron accelerator with a beam scanning device. the right half of the bunch to the right.
Harvesting energy from waves as a substantial resource of renewable energy has attracted much attention in recent years. Linear permanent magnet vernier generators (LPMVGs) have been widely adopted in wave …
α″-Fe 16 N 2 had been viewed as a mystery material because of inconclusive arguments in the 1990s, including many controversial reports at two MMM conference symposia, and the topic was then largely dropped by the magnetic research community. The key controversies around this material have now been successfully addressed through our long …
There are four main indicators for measuring the performance of permanent magnets: remanence, coercivity, intrinsic coercivity, and maximum energy product (BH)max the following posts, we will introduce these …
In this paper, a simplified model to represent variable speed wind turbines in power system dynamics simulations is presented. This model is based in the use of controls-oriented model for permanent magnet synchronous generator supplying voltage-stiff bus system, including intrinsic torque/load properties.
Perspectives on Permanent Magnetic Materials for Energy Conversion and Power Generation LAURA H. LEWIS and FE´LIX JIME´NEZ-VILLACORTA Permanent magnet development has historically been driven by the need to supply larger
Of all changes in materials technology over the last several years, advances in permanent magnets have had the largest impact on electric machines.
Induktansspolar (även kallade "induktorer") används för att filtrera växel- och likström och för att lagra energi. En induktansspole släpper fram likström, men spärrar mer eller mindre för …
Permanent Magnet Assemblies. J.M.D. Coey, T.R. Ní Mhíocháin, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2001 4 Concluding Remarks. Permanent magnet structures are well suited to generate uniform fields, which are static or variable, as well as multipole field patterns and field gradients with rapid spatial variation. The advantages of permanent magnets are their …
Recently, Vishina et al. investigated the possibility of structural stability enhancement by making an alloy of Fe 2 C with Co, Mn, Cr, V, and Ti [13].They found that Fe 3 MnC 2 alloy (one Fe atom replaced with a Mn atom) had better structural stability than the pristine Fe 2 C. In the Fe 3 MnC 2 alloy, Vishina et al. reported high saturation magnetization (M S) of …
The sinusoidal voltage source can be obtained by adopting the higher carrier ratio and setting filtering inductance to the circuit. For the HSPMM at a full-load condition, the motor is powered by the sinusoidal waveform and SPWM waveform, respectively, with both phase voltage waveforms presented in Figure 2a.While the fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis …
Both Shunt Wound and Series Wound self-excited DC generators have the disadvantage in that changes in load current causes severe changes in generator output voltage due to armature reaction and as a result, these types of DC generators are seldom used as wind turbine generators.. However, a "compound" connected DC generator has a combination of …
The Different Families of Magnets: There are five families of permanent magnets that are currently being produced in significant quantities. These include alnico, sintered ferrite, Sm-Co, NdFeB and SmFeN, Within the Sm-Co family there are two types, SmCo 5 and Sm 2 (Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) 17 type. Within the NdFeB family there are five types, sintered NdFeB, bonded …
Jordens magnetfält är till stor nytta för oss då det exempelvis skyddar oss från s.k. solvindar, dvs. partiklar, elektroner och protoner med hög energi, som sänds ut från solen vid solutbrott.