Global organisation
Supreme HydroGen är ett svenskt kunskaps- och ingenjörsföretag som utvecklar och levererar cirkulära, gröna och utsläppsfria energilösningar. Vätgas är framtidens rena och hållbara …

What is solid-state hydrogen storage?

As discussed, hydrogen is a promising clean energy carrier with the ability to greatly contribute to addressing the world's energy and environmental challenges. Solid-state hydrogen storage is gaining popularity as a potential solution for safe, efficient, and compact hydrogen storage.

How many hydrogen filling stations are there in Sweden?

Sweden has two strong suppliers of heavy vehicles with adaptation for hydrogen as a fuel, and over 60 hydrogen filling stations in the planning stage.

What's going on in the field of hydrogen in Sweden?

It is well known that LKAB, SSAB and Vattenfall have produced the world's first fossil-free steel in Sweden and that the young company H2 Green Steel is building new green steel production in Boden. It is more rare that it is revealed how much activity is going on in the field of hydrogen in Sweden.

Are solid-state hydrogen storage materials economically feasible?

To be economically feasible, solid-state hydrogen storage materials must exhibit long-term stability and endurance. Comprehensive studies that analyze the deterioration processes of storage materials under real-world settings, including temperature fluctuations and cycling, are lacking in the literature. 6. Conclusions and future perspectives

What is the Hydrogen Conference 2023?

On December 5–6, the Hydrogen Conference 2023 was organized by Energiforsk, Luleå University of Technology CH2ESS, Rise, Vätgas Sverige, Energigas Sverige, and Energiföretagen. The conference aimed to increase knowledge about the role of hydrogen in energy and climate transition through presentations, workshops, and networking.

Are MOFs suitable for solid-state hydrogen storage?

MOFs exhibited remarkable performance in their initial use for hydrogen storage, establishing them as significant candidates for solid-state hydrogen storage materials. However, further improvements are still necessary to enhance their hydrogen storage capabilities.


Supreme HydroGen är ett svenskt kunskaps- och ingenjörsföretag som utvecklar och levererar cirkulära, gröna och utsläppsfria energilösningar. Vätgas är framtidens rena och hållbara …

Raymond – Först med att lansera Solid State batteri i Sverige

Med skalbarhet från 10,8 till 32,4 kWh per enhet är detta batteri en banbrytande nyhet för den svenska marknaden. Raymond Solid State kombinerar hög energitäthet med lång livslängd, …

Top 10 Solid State Battery Companies to Watch

The article explores the latest advancements of 10 solid-state battery companies working on the tech to make it better. November 18, 2024 +1-202-455-5058 sales@greyb . …

Nya företaget Factorial presenterar solid state-batteri

Volkswagen investerar stora summor i företaget QuantumScape som vill starta en pilotfabrik för solid state-batterier i Kalifornien i år. Även företaget Solid Power ska ha kommit igång med tillverkning av ett solid state …

Our Technology | Solid-State Hydrogen Storage

Solid-State Hydrogen Storage at Low Pressure and Ambient Temperature. Transformational Nanotechnology Designed With Atomic Precision. The Challenge of Existing Technologies. …


Mot en grön klimatomställning Vätgasen kommer att spela en nyckelroll i övergången till en fossilfri framtid och nollutsläpp. Vätgasbranschen förväntas att skapa …

Perspectives and challenges of hydrogen storage in solid-state …

Solid-state hydrogen storage is the best choice for balancing economy and safety among various hydrogen storage technologies, and hydrogen storage in the secondary phase …

Solid-state hydrogen storage

Hydrogen is an energy carrier with a high energy density per weight, but it is also a light gas. Our article hydrogen describes this in more detail.. Since hydrogen is such a light …

De största företagen efter omsättning i Sverige

Topplista över de största företagen efter omsättning i Sverige. Largestcompanies har specialiserat sig på att ta fram unika topplistor inom det nordiska näringslivet.

Solid state hydrogen storage: Decoding the path through machine ...

In the field of solid state hydrogen storage, there are several ML models which have reported valuable insights on factors affecting hydrogen storage properties of metal …

Research advances in solid-state hydrogen storage materials

With the worsening of energy problems, hydrogen has become one of the best new energy materials by virtue of its advantages of green environmental protection, abundant …

The Potential of Hydrogen in a Swedish Context

This analysis includes a compilation of literature, reports, roadmaps, interview response and a scenario analysis. It shows an overview over the production potential and …

10 Hydrogen Energy Storage Companies and Startups

On December 5–6, the Hydrogen Conference 2023 was organized by Energiforsk, Luleå University of Technology CH2ESS, Rise, Vätgas Sverige, Energigas …

(PDF) Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Systems and the Relevance …

This paper aims at addressing the exploitation of solid-state carriers for hydrogen storage, with attention paid both to the technical aspects, through a wide review of …

Solid-state hydrogen storage as a future renewable energy …

Solid-state hydrogen storage is among the safest methods to store hydrogen, but current room temperature hydrides capable of absorbing and releasing hydrogen at the …

Allabolag – Nyckeltal, Resultatredovisning och Befattningar för …

Få en översikt över nyckeltal, officiella befattningar, adresser etc. för alla företag som levererar årsredovisning till Bolagsverket.

Research Progress and Application Prospects of Solid-State Hydrogen ...

Solid-state hydrogen storage technology has emerged as a disruptive solution to the "last mile" challenge in large-scale hydrogen energy applications, garnering significant …

An analytical review of recent advancements on solid-state …

Solid-state hydrogen storage is gaining popularity as a potential solution for safe, efficient, and compact hydrogen storage. Significant research efforts have been directed in …

Advancing Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Towards …

It will show the integration of a 1MWh containerised H2GO solid-state hydrogen storage solution with the existing hydrogen infrastructure in Orkney, thus demonstrating a large …

Sweden is a pioneer in hydrogen | Luleå tekniska universitet

Over 60 hydrogen filling stations underway. Sweden has two strong suppliers of heavy vehicles with adaptation for hydrogen as a fuel, and over 60 hydrogen filling stations in …

MOFs-Based Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage: …

Solid-state physical hydrogen storage relies primarily on the physisorption of hydrogen gas by porous materials. Within this context, MOFs have emerged as highly …

Fuelling the future: solid phase hydrogen storage

Chemists are currently investigating an alternative option for storing hydrogen for fuel cell-powered vehicles - ie a solid phase hydrogen storage system. They have …

Solid-State Materials for Hydrogen Storage | SpringerLink

Hydrogen (H 2) is a promising replacement energy carrier and storage molecular due to its high energy density by weight.For the constraint of size and weight in vehicles, the …


SHG Supreme Hydrogen är ett svenskt kunskaps- och ingenjörsföretag som utvecklar och levererar cirkulära, gröna och utsläppsfria energilösningar. Grön vätgas – från vatten till vatten. …

Energy, Society and the Environment: Solid-State Hydrogen …

This book provides a comprehensive and contemporary overview of advances in energy and energy storage technologies. Although the coverage is varied and diverse, the book also …

Solid-state electrochemical hydrogen sensors: A review

We discovered that solid-state electrochemical hydrogen sensors have the advantages of portability, miniaturization, real-time monitoring, reliable and fast response. …

Hydrogen Insight | Hydrogen Insight

INTERVIEW | Start-up founded by Nobel Prize winner promises to revolutionise hydrogen industry with new solid-state storage material. H2MOF is utilising new field of metal …

Solid-state hydrogen storage facilitates energy transition

Solid-state hydrogen storage facilitates energy transition. An innovative new approach for storing renewably sourced energy could help to accelerate the clean energy …

Solid State Hydrogen Storage Technology | H2MOF

Solid-State Hydrogen Storage at Low Pressure and Ambient Temperature. Find Out More. APPLICATIONS. By providing efficient and safe hydrogen storage solutions, we enable a wide range of hydrogen-powered vessels, hydrogen …

Solid-state hydrogen storage facilitates energy transition

"Hydrogen is one solution. In this way, electrical power is converted into hydrogen, and released again by using the gas as fuel in a combustion engine or fuel cell." Solid-state hydrogen storage tank. The main …

Is solid-state storage the missing ingredient in hydrogen transport ...

The development of solid-state hydrogen dates back to the early 2000s but commercial applications have only recently emerged due to the challenge of finding the ideal …

Benefits of Solid-State Hydrogen Storage

However, solid-state storage systems provide a clean and efficient source of hydrogen that can power these vehicles. Solid-state storage systems are easy to refuel, and they offer a long …

Solid-State Hydrogen Storage for a Decarbonized Society

Humanity is confronted with one of the most significant challenges in its history. The excessive use of fossil fuel energy sources is causing extreme climate change, which …

Could Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Be a Serious Alternative to ...

He says the tech could challenge batteries in both efficiency and environmental friendliness.. When unspooled and run past a laser—the film moves from one reel to another, …

Recent advances in nanomaterial-based solid-state hydrogen …

For practical onboard applications, much hydrogen storage research is devoted to technologies with the potential to meet the hydrogen storage targets set by the United States …

Recent Progress Using Solid-State Materials for Hydrogen …

With the rapid growth in demand for effective and renewable energy, the hydrogen era has begun. To meet commercial requirements, efficient hydrogen storage …

A Review on Solid State Hydrogen Storage Material

18 A Review on Solid State Hydrogen Storage Material. Co nanoparticles showed hydrogen storage capacity of 4.5 . and 5.4 wt % respectively for Mg 2 CoH 5 and Mg 3 CoH 5. …

Svenskt Näringsliv

Svenskt Näringsliv har hjälpt oss i kampen för en sundare konkurrens. Se intervjun med Joachim Östergårds, vd Geoteam AB. Sida 1 Sida 2 Sida 3 Sida 4 Sida 5. 49. Medlemsorganisationer. 60 000. Medlemsföretag. 2 000 000. …